Playing Limit Hold Em Poker in HORSE
The first poker variation played in HORSE is Limit Hold'em. Obviously, this post will apply to Limit both as it is played during a HORSE game and also as a stand alone game. Although, you will see players play Limit differently during a HORSE game simply because they feel more comfortable with Hold'em than they do with other games.
The main difference between Limit and No Limit is that you can play a wider amount of hands in Limit and also see more cards because you can put an exact cost of doing so. In other words, you know how much it is going to cost you to go for that flush draw and can quickly calculate your pot odds. There are seldom any implied odds or anything like that to worry about.
In addition, since you will play more hands, you might hang around with something like 7-7 longer than you would in a NL game. In a NL game with blinds of $100-$50, if you have 7-7 and limp into a hand, it may end up costing you $400-$500 or more if the flop comes A-K-4, to see another card. You would likely fold here, your 7's are no good and it doesn't pay to chase a 2 outer.
However, in a Limit game, it may only cost you $100 to see the Turn and it MAY make sense to do so. Now, I am not saying to chase every hand, but there are times, particularly when you chip stack can afford it, when it is OK to see another card or two.
You will also find players limping in with more hands and calling to the River, so your T-T may be good enough to win with a flop like Q-9-2. You will see more people in with junk simply because it is cheap to do so and cheap to try and hit a flop. I don't consider this much of a strategy, but a lot of players do it.
My hand selection is still fairly tight in Limit Hold'em, but when I do play a hand, I am less likely to fold it and more likely to play it to the River if I think it has any chance to win. Pick good hands and play them hard. Kind of sounds like NL Hold'em, doesn't it?
The first poker variation played in HORSE is Limit Hold'em. Obviously, this post will apply to Limit both as it is played during a HORSE game and also as a stand alone game. Although, you will see players play Limit differently during a HORSE game simply because they feel more comfortable with Hold'em than they do with other games.
The main difference between Limit and No Limit is that you can play a wider amount of hands in Limit and also see more cards because you can put an exact cost of doing so. In other words, you know how much it is going to cost you to go for that flush draw and can quickly calculate your pot odds. There are seldom any implied odds or anything like that to worry about.
In addition, since you will play more hands, you might hang around with something like 7-7 longer than you would in a NL game. In a NL game with blinds of $100-$50, if you have 7-7 and limp into a hand, it may end up costing you $400-$500 or more if the flop comes A-K-4, to see another card. You would likely fold here, your 7's are no good and it doesn't pay to chase a 2 outer.
However, in a Limit game, it may only cost you $100 to see the Turn and it MAY make sense to do so. Now, I am not saying to chase every hand, but there are times, particularly when you chip stack can afford it, when it is OK to see another card or two.
You will also find players limping in with more hands and calling to the River, so your T-T may be good enough to win with a flop like Q-9-2. You will see more people in with junk simply because it is cheap to do so and cheap to try and hit a flop. I don't consider this much of a strategy, but a lot of players do it.
My hand selection is still fairly tight in Limit Hold'em, but when I do play a hand, I am less likely to fold it and more likely to play it to the River if I think it has any chance to win. Pick good hands and play them hard. Kind of sounds like NL Hold'em, doesn't it?